Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Best Cable channels

Why do we watch TV? To learn about what is going on the world, what has happened, or what is going to happen. We watch to see fantastic dunks, insane people, and to forget our real lives. Listed below are what I feel are the best cable stations right now, and as always, I am the Godfather and know all.

Best Cable Channels
1) Weather Channel- How could you not be amazed by the way tornadoes and hurricanes form. Plus I need to know what is going to happen today so I can plan it accordingly
2) HGTV- If you have owned a house or plan to own house, this station is a must watch
3) ESPN/ESPN2/ESPNU/ESPNNews- The family of networks is a great standby when nothing else is on. Plus I love to see Lebron dunk and see A-Rod scamper around the steroid scandal
4) TBS- For the amount of good (not always great) movies they show, Family Guy, and the full hour of Saved by the Bell on every morning (don't tune in on Fridays though-it's the college years)
5) History Channel- This channel will take you back in time so we can learn from our mistakes, or at least try. Plus who doesn't like watching film on wars

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